sight words this week were the words “make”
and “play”!
remember to practice your sight word flashcards each day as part of your
word families this week were –ug and -ub
continued working on counting syllables in words this week. Practice at home by saying a word and then
clapping out the syllables.
-We continued working on main idea and details
our read aloud books
CAFÉ strategy we worked on this week was
pictures to tell a story”
How can
you help your child with the strategy at home?
Before you begin reading a book at home, take a picture walk. Have your child look at the pictures and try to figure out what the story might be about. Then read the story to your child and see if their ideas were correct.
learned about feeling endings that wrap up our book with a feeling about the
wrote our own feeling endings for our “How to…” book
This week in writing we worked on our class informational book about
made a plan with all the details we know about helicopters
used the internet to look at different pictures and drawings of helicopters and
practiced during our morning work time
used our plans to write our own “How to…” books and added illustrations
math we practiced decomposing numbers 11-19
learned about measurement (length/weight)
discussed tools used for measurement and practiced with a measuring tape and
compared items to determine longer/shorter and heavier/lighter
practiced making patterns with hearts
week our theme was Valentine’s Day
read several valentine books during our reading activities
We decorated bags for our valentines
played a special Valentine’s Day edition of Whammy on Friday
made “What do you love?” cupcake books
exchanged valentines and ate yummy treats at our party on Friday!

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