sight words this week were the words “go”
and “for”!
remember to practice your sight word flashcards each day as part of your
worked this week on rhyming words and practiced in our word work Daily café
had 1 new word families this week -am
and practiced our word families (CVC words) when we played Whammy during Daily
-We learned about making predictions when we
read. They might not be right, but they
must be logical.
CAFÉ strategies we worked on this week were
How can
you help your child with the strategies at home?
week in writing we reviewed how to stretch out words to hear the sounds
learned about transition words: first,
next, then, last
chose a topic for our “How to” book and talked it out with a partner
made a plan for our own “How to” book.
had teacher conferences with Mrs. Stevens to go over our plans for our books
math we learned “The Story of 10”
matched numbers 1-100 on our Hershey kiss scavenger hunt
worked on counting by 5s
worked on counting on from a given number
worked on one more, one less of a given number
worked on greater than and less than
week our theme was 100 days of kindergarten
read a great rhyming book for Day 100
We made books with 100 words
thought about what we would be doing when we were 100
did several math activities with numbers 1-100
had a special Day 100 snack

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