sight word this week was the word “see”!
CAFÉ strategy we worked on this week was the strategy.
with Understanding & Ending Sounds”
when learning new words, children apply the strategy of using the beginning
sound to help them identify the word. When they do this, they often guess a
word that may not fit in the sentence, it starts with the same letter so they guess
and move on without looking at the rest of the word. They may not even know
there is an end to the word. To gain accuracy it is important that children also
learn to look at the end of the word when reading. Applying the accuracy strategy
of using beginning and ending sounds helps with both accuracy and comprehension
since reading the correct words will enhance the meaning of what is being read.
How can
you help your child with this strategy at home?
2. Have your child cross check the word he/she just read. Remind your child to ask, “Does it look right, does it sound right, does it make sense?” to help them identify the word.
3. If necessary, revisit letter sounds and the concept words of beginning and end. Then, when stumbling on a word, have your child stretch out the word, saying the beginning, middle, and end sounds. After having him/her focus on the beginning and ending sounds, help your child read the word correctly and ask, “Did that make sense?”

-During a comprehension lesson on our new strategy we reviewed a previously learned strategy that is also one of our 3 Ways to Read a Book--"Retell a Familiar Story". We practiced this strategy by retelling the story we read on Monday by using retelling picture cards!

-We used our Print Concepts CAFE strategies and went through a book focusing on each strategy. Each student had a book in his/her hand and we focused on every part!

-We began a new review game today! This game is called WHAMMY! The class is broken up into two groups and given a cup with Popsicle sticks in it. Written on the sticks are the letters of the alphabet and our sight words. The students take turns picking a stick out of the cup and say the sound of the letter or the sight word, depending on what they took. If they get it correct, they get to keep the stick in front of them and if they get it incorrectly they put the stick back in the cup. If you pull the stick that says WHAMMY on it, you have to put all of your sticks back into the cup. The object of the game is to have the most sticks at the end of the game!

continued with writing workshop this week and it is becoming a classroom
favorite! We introduced our new journals for writing and talked about writing
an “I like ___.” sentence. We discussed how it’s important to continue to add
detail to pictures without scribble scrabbling. We also learned what the time
of writing workshop should look like and sound like!

week we focused on recognizing numbers 0-20. We played several games, watched
videos and talked about each number individually and how and why it is named
what it is.
also introduced two new choices at Daily 3 math. We put play-doh numbers and
play-doh shapes into Math by Myself and Number Work! Now the students have two
choices at both options.

We had a fantastic week learning all about pumpkins! We started the week off by focusing on various items that represent fall and read a story about a square pumpkin named Spookley and how he saved the round pumpkins! We then made our own pumpkins that were different shapes and colors. We finished the week by exploring the outside and inside of a pumpkin, describing the way it looks and feels and learned how a pumpkin grows from a seed to a full grown orange pumpkin!

We went on our first field trip this week to Exploration Acres. We enjoyed playing outside on the tube slide, the pile of hay, sand box, the grain bin of corn and so much more. We rode a hayride to the pumpkin patch where we picked our very own pumpkins to take home and found our way through a corn maze! What a fun day!

Be sure
to be reading the sight words on the yellow cards every night! Reviewing all of
them every day, will help your child master these words in both reading and
writing. Have your child quiz you, write the sight words in shaving cream, find
the words in books at home, menus at a restaurant or even spell them out with a
chant or a cheer!
--In writing, we will continue to practice writing
sentences to go with detailed pictures!
--In math, we will continue with numbers 1-20,
positional terms and sorting objects by color.
--In reading,
we will focus on beginning and ending sounds, learn new vocabulary words
and a new CAFÉ strategy!
--Our theme this next week is all about APPLES! Don’t forget to send in an apple with your
child by Monday! Place it in a Ziploc baggie with his/her name on it.