Our elf made it back safely from the North Pole. Last week, the unimaginable happened....Jingles was hanging from the ceiling swinging on a string and at some point in the day, the string snapped and he fell on the table. To make matters worse, one of the students touched him! So needless to say, he was in some pain and had lost his magic. We sent him back to the North Pole after we received an email from Santa telling us exactly what to do. A few days later, he returned with a letter from Santa, magic recovery dust and a certificate of good health. We were so happy to have him back. One of the silly things he got himself into once he arrived back was taking a selfie and putting the picture on every single one of our iPads! It was too funny! Finally, on the last day he wrote us a goodbye letter where he told us that just for a few minutes after reading the letter, Santa was going to lift his magic so we could give him a hug goodbye. We will miss him, but will see him next year!

This week in math we combined our excitement for the holidays and a few review skills. We practiced recognizing numbers and gluing them or "stuffing" our stockings with those numbers. Later in the week, we reviewed length by creating a Christmas tree with different sizes of paper.

Guest Readers:
We had three guest readers come to our class this week! A second grader, a fifth grader and our gym teacher Mr. Z! We love listening to readers of all ages in our classroom.

Grinch Day:
Tuesday was all about that old mean Mr. Grinch. We tried our hardest all day to go out of our way to do the right thing to try and get the Grinch's heart to grow two more sizes. Throughout the day, we read the story How the Grinch Stole Christmas, traced our sight words using green glue, wrote a sentence about how we could make the Grinch grin and put it together in a Grinch craft and finished our day by watching the Grinch movie with green cookies and green punch!

We wrote letters to Santa this week! After we wrote our letters, we put them together in a reindeer craft in hopes that the reindeer will fly to the North Pole to show Santa our letters! We also continued with our holiday theme by writing word family words on an ornament!

Polar Express Day:
We finished our week off by celebrating all day long with the Polar Express. When students arrived at school, they were greeted with railroad tracks on the floor in the hallway leading to our classroom and a sign above our door naming our classroom the Reindeer Barn. We went through the day reading the book, watching the movie, drinking hot chocolate and donuts, then took a break and had our classroom book exchange, returned to the movie and drank juice and had popcorn! Such a fun morning, in the afternoon we worked on our parent gifts and made reindeer food. We could not have had a better last day at school before Winter Break!

Winter Program:
Wednesday night we celebrated the holiday season by performing in our winter program with the other kindergarten and first grade classrooms. We enjoyed singing, dancing and even being surprised by a visit from the big man himself! I was so very proud of all of the hard work the class put in to practicing for the big show!

READ, READ, READ over winter break! Have your child continue to practice counting, writing and reading sight words. These two weeks off from school are a fun time, but extra practice will help your child stay on track with school work! Enjoy time together and I will see you all in two weeks!
Important Dates/Information:
- 1/5--Students return to school
- 1/8--3rd Nine Weeks Awards Program @ 9:30AM
- 100th day of School celebration will be during January depending on snow days
- 2/15--President's Day-NO SCHOOL (possible make-up snow day if needed)