Math this week focused in on addition and using number bonds to help us with breaking numbers apart and making addition problems. We have practiced number bonds whole group and now are practicing with partners at math with someone. They roll the dice, write the number in the top of the number bond, use math tools to help break the number apart and then write the problem in an addition sentence. After testing students this past week for the report card, they are learning their addition facts quickly! So very proud of them!
Students are continuing to add at least two entries every week into their math journals in the Book Creator app on the iPad. One of the additions we have added to our number of the day journal entry is to add the number bond that goes with the number!

Hour of Code
This week we participated in a global initiative called the "Hour of Code'. This initiative is based on teaching students about computer science at all ages. We learned what computer science is, how it is used to create games, websites, apps and more. Students all over the country, the world and even the Tippecanoe School Corporation participated in one hour of coding practice sometime this week.
In our one hour of code, we started off by practicing saying commands and coding by playing a game called "Harold the Robot". I put out a group of blocks and had the students give me commands to build something out of the blocks. If the command was not specific or too confusing I would "shut down" and put my head in my hands or I would do something that was not what they intended. We learned to use commands such as "rewind, delete, start over and finished" in order to help the robot do what we wanted. They practiced by describing objects using shape terms and positional terms in order to better command the robot how to build the finished product. It was a challenge at first, but the students got the hand of it!
After practicing commands with Harold the Robot, we moved to coding a game with our iPads. We played a game called "The Foos". We had several other games that we were hoping to get to but had so much fun with this game, we didn't get to those during this coding session, but plan to have more coding days and we will get to those! The class had so much fun being challenged and overcoming obstacles to move to the next level. I have videos below of the students in action and another video that showcases a few students at the end explaining their thinking process throughout the coding experience. The pure joy from successful codes was enough happiness to last a lifetime in these kindergarten students faces. Computer science is a huge part of our daily lives and I am so proud of these students for taking this challenge, all while having fun too!
Want to have your child practice coding at home? Go to this website to practice coding with The Foos like we did in class or click on the picture of the app to download it on your smart phone or iPad.

The entire hour put together!
Our word family this week was the -op word family. We not only practiced with these words individually, but we also heard, read and wrote several of them throughout the day with stories and during writing time! We also had fun this week turning ourselves into elves. For morning work and during a few daily five rounds, we scanned a QR code that took them to a video where we were all changed into elves! After watching and laughing with all of the videos, we wrote a sentence or two about the videos. They could write anything they wanted and their reflections after viewing the videos were pretty funny!

The holidays are filled with special days and memories spent with family and friends. This week we had one of my favorite days in kindergarten. This special day is called "Ornament Day". Families share their ideas, talents and time with our class and create one of a kind ornaments with each student. Students go around to the different ornament stations and at the end of the day they leave with 5-6 and sometimes 7 new ornaments to take home! I am always impressed with the creativity my parents bring to this special day and I even more love to see the interaction and watching families and students coming together to create! Watch the movie below to see several pictures taken from this special day!
Talk about words we have learned in our word families. We have learned the -at, -ot,-an and -op word families. Have your child brainstorm words in these families, write them, build them with magnetic letters, play-doh or even write them in sentences. Talk about how they are rhyming words when they are in the same family and end in the same sound!
Next Week:
- In reading we will review word families, sight words and several reading strategies.
- In writing we will be writing holiday themed writing as well as continuing with true stories and a few free writes.
- In math we will focus on number recognition, counting and drawing shapes!
- Our theme next week is all about the HOLIDAYS!
- Don't forget to send in one NEW WRAPPED book for our book exchange!
Important Dates/Information:
- 12/15-Grinch Day
- 12/18-Polar Express, Book Exchange and Pajama Day
- 12/16-Christmas Program. Students arrive at McCutcheon High School no later than 6:30 and the show begins at 7:00
- 12/18-End of 2nd Nine Weeks