We drew what helps teeth stay healthy in a big tooth to finish our week of learning about dental health. The class drew many fruits, vegetables, toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, the dentist office and even the tooth fairy.
My twin for today! Today was "favorite sport team" for spirit day at our school. Meredith and I wore our final four shirts for the high school girls basketball team who will be playing tomorrow in the semi-state! Go Mavs!
Performing our poem this week, My Little Sister.We practiced our voice when reading the poem his week!
Cooper's mom came in to read a story to the class, Piggie Pie. The class loved listening to the silly things the witch in the story did and the voice she used when reading.
Copper also gave the students a few items from his father's police department. A pencil, police sticker badge and a bracelet!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Cooper brought in some of his favorite stuffed animals for sharing today, including his all time favorite "Blue Bear".
I started Daily 5 Math stations during our math time. I teach a mini-lesson whole group and the students choose which station they would like to go to. I have only 3 stations open to start off. The stations the students choose from are math by myself, math with someone and number work. Below are pictures of the students at each place. We will work with these three stations for the next two weeks and then will add a listen to math station.
This student is completing math by myself. She has a bag with pattern cards and chips. She draws her card and makes her own pattern.
This student is completing number work. She has a dry erase board and a baggie filled with numbers. She is practicing writing her numbers.
These two students are doing math with someone. They are playing the game of "war" with cards. They both draw a card and hold it up. Whoever has the higher number gets to keep both cards in their pile!
This student is doing math by myself. She chose a bag with two sets of 10 cubes. The bag also has a set of addition cards with numbers 1-10 that have +1, +2 and +3 as well as ways to make 10. She uses the manipulatives to help solve the problem. In a few weeks I will change the cards to subtraction problems and then eventually there will be a mixture of addition and subtraction in the bags.
This student is completing patterns at math by myself.
This student is working on number work. He is using play-doh to make numbers.