In reading this week, we reviewed one of our report card skills and favorite reading strategies “Author’s Purpose”. We reviewed why author’s decide to write a book or anything. Do they want to make us laugh and ENTERTAIN us? Do they want to teach and INFORM us of something? Or do they want to try and get us to do something and PERSUADE us with their writing? Every book we read this week we decided what the author’s purpose was for writing the book and a few times the book fit into more than one category! What fun!
To kick off our learning of this week’s word families we watched a video that had us reading and learning new words that end with the -ack and -ock sounds. We built words in both families and to review both word families we watched a Google Slide that showed a picture that fit one of the of the word families and then wrote the word on our iPad. The next slide showed how to spell the word and we checked our answers. It was so much fun! We can't wait to do it again!
Our vocabulary words this week went with the book Arthur Meets the President. We loved learning all about the words speech, country, White House, President, recite and ceremony.
Our new sight words: when, down
**Be sure to keep the white sight word cards from week to week and continue to practice all of them as new ones are sent home every week.
Our Poem of the Week:
iPad Fun:
Morning Work:
QR Codes/Doodle Buddy: Students scanned a QR code that took them to a video out an American Symbol. When finished with the video, they went to Doodle Buddy to illustrate what they learned and then showed me!
- Brain Pop Jr.: For our first iPad round this week we used a new app to our classroom called Brain Pop Jr. When using this app we focused on watching and learning videos about the President's job, Abraham Lincoln and George Washington.
- ChatterPix:: We used one of our favorite apps this week to take a picture of Abraham Lincoln or George Washington and recording our voice to give a fact we learned about them.
- Reading Eggs/QR Books: Third round all students completed lessons in Reading Eggs and/or listened to stories on “tape” using QR codes inside picture books.
- Book Creator: This week students used the app Book Creator on their own by adding a journal entry of the activity number of the day! We have been doing number of the day as a whole class since the first week of school and they are now experts and are able to do this on their own! They rolled a dice to find their number, wrote the number, the number word, drew the dice, tally marks, number of shapes and number line! They finished the activity by recording their voice explaining their thinking and what they did with the number of the day.
- Popplet Shapes or Number PIeces: We reviewed two of our favorite iPad math choices from previous weeks. We practiced drawing shapes this week and students in iPad math time continued to practice those skills using this app. They took a picture of the shape and then used the pen tool to draw the shape. We also used the Number Pieces app to show tens/ones!
Writer’s Workshop this week, was continuing to work on our information writing. We are becoming quite the experts on writing information pieces. We learned about plurals at the beginning of the week and how important it is to add “s” to words when it is needed. We also worked with our iPad partner to complete a research project using our iPads. Each iPad pair was able to choose their own topic (mostly animals or dinosaurs were chosen) and complete the planning page, book and publishing using Book Creator. Most of the groups are currently working on their books and will publish in Book Creator next week!
Math this week we learned all about the vocabulary terms temperature and capacity. We discussed these two vocabulary words all week. We sorted pictures that helps us describe different temperatures into “hot or cold”. We also decided which of 2-3 containers would be best for different scenarios when learning about capacity. .

This week was all about valentine's Day and love!
- Monday--NO SCHOOL President’s Day!
- Tuesday--We started our President’s Day book by completing the first page...the American Flag.
- Wednesday--We worked on the second page, the Liberty Bell.
- Thursday--We worked on the third page, the Bald Eagle
- Friday--We finished up our book by completing the White House, Abraham Lincoln and George Washington pages.
We went on a morning field trip on Friday to ABC's of Ag day hosted by the McCutcheon High School FFA students at the Tippecanoe County Fairgrounds! We had so much fun learning, petting and exploring farm animals!
Social Emotional Learning (SEL):
Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.
This week’s SEL focus was learning about CONFIDENCE. We started the week off by reading the story “I Like Me”. It is about a pig who describes throughout the entire book reasons why she likes herself, things she is good at and what she likes to do by herself. It was a great opening to our SEL topic because the class was able to relate to the main character throughout most of the story. We continued on with the week by watching a video about Howard Wigglebottom and how he learned to listen to his heart and be proud of who he is,even if others make fun of him. At the end of the week we shared something we like about ourselves and displayed it proudly on a label that stuck to our shirts all day long. We were so excited that by the end of the day, we all still had our stickers on and showed our self-pride and confidence all day long! We will continue learning about “confidence” next week!
A few discussion questions to talk with your child at home about this topic:
-What is something you are proud of that you have accomplished?
-What is something you are really good at?
-What is your favorite thing about the way you look?
Have your child tell you about the animal he/she researched in writing. Be sure they can tell you at least three facts about that topic!
Next Week:
- In reading we will focus on reviewing “Main Idea and Key Details”
- In writing we will continue to write Information Writing.
- In math we will work on REVIEW
- Our theme next week is all about Dr. Seuss! Be sure to follow the Dr. Seuss themed days page I sent home on Thursday!
- Be sure to send back the pink Parent/Teacher Conference Form.
Important Dates/Information:
**Go to our classroom webpage if you want to see important dates on a calendar! I will update this classroom calendar as dates and events come about.
- 3/3--Movie Night K-2
- 3/10--End of 3rd Nine Weeks
- 3/13-3/17--Parent Teacher Conferences
- 3/27-3/31--Spring Break NO SCHOOL