We kicked off our first school wide PBIS celebration this week with Basketball Jones. He came in with encouraging words, dancin' music and crazy basketball spinning skills. The entire school did an excellent job following directions, being a fabulous audience and participating during many different activities. Students with a certain percentage of good behavior each nine weeks will get the opportunity to attend other school wide celebrations!
We started building our stamina with our second Daily 5 choice today, Work on Writing. We started off by modeling all of the aspects of this new choice. One of the most important parts is that the students have to have a book out and open to one of their favorite pages and are to respond to the picture by writing and illustrating a response to the picture. Right now at the beginning of kindergarten, most students copy the picture down exactly and will add words from the page onto their page and/or label their picture. We will continue to build stamina with this new choice the rest of this week and will hopefully soon be choosing between Read to Self AND Work on Writing!
For our first writing assessment prompt with our new writing program the class was told to write and draw about something they love. Before we began we created a class popplet making a list of things we love to help kickstart and generate a few ideas. Some of the students used one or two of these ideas and a few others came up with something else once they returned to their seats to write!