We completed a predictable chart all about spring and what we love about this upcoming season this week. We touch read our sentences a few times this week and today we put them on a kite. We made the kite in steps and put the sentence on at the very end. We have our kites hanging in our classroom so all are able to read what we love about spring!
To continue practicing counting in new ways, I introduced our counting tiger friend today. He loves to help kids count! He only likes to listen to one kid count at a time, so while he is passed around each student counts the next number. If a student forgets the number or misses the number he first looks to me to help that student by pointing to our 100's chart for help and then if he/she still cannot figure it out, he looks to the rest of the class to help find the answer! We passed our tiger friend around the circle until we made it to 100 today!
Below are pictures of students working at three of our daily 5 math stations. Number work, math with someone and math by myself. This week I introduced a few new activities for each station. Number work now has an extra set of play-doh to make play-doh numbers. Math with someone has numbers 21-30 included in the recognizing numbers pile, as well as addition flash cards! Math by myself now has subtraction problems in the bag with cubes. The class did a wonderful job with the new activities and are challenging themselves during each station!
We are nearing the end of our student treasure book assignment. We have already written our sentences after a few rough drafts and today we started on our first rough draft of our illustrations. We will then do a final draft for the illustration next week! We are excited to send these off to the publishers to get our own book published!
We were exploring the different ways we can make the number 10. Each student had ten math manipulatives on their paper and would make combinations using their objects. They would then count how many items in each circle and find a new way to make the number ten!