This week in reading we focused on print concepts of a book.
The main things we learned and practice each day were…front cover, back cover,
spine, title page, where to start reading, where to go after the sentence if
finished and where to go after the pages have been read. We also talked about
spaces in between words and word by word matching. Word by word matching
focuses on touch the word and matching it to the word you say as you are
reading. It helps you not skip any words and to read the correct words on the
We also learned a new Daily 5 choice this week to add to our
Read to Self and Work on Writing choices. We learned all about Word Work! Word
work is a choice where students practice writing and using letters of the
alphabet and class names. We practice these by using dry erase boards, Play-doh
and Magna Doodles. We will eventually introduce more items to word work but for
now we will stick with these three things.

In writing this week our letters of the week were Jj, Qq,
Uu, Ss and Bb. We had so much fun learning, singing, writing, exploring and
creating this week with these five letters. We are getting close to being
through with the entire alphabet! We will then move forward to a Writer’s
Workshop format for our writing time.
This week we had a lot of fun with the letters, we created
jelly fish, Q-tip painting, designed our own silly pairs of underpants, added
stripes and spots to a sssssssssssnake and created the letter Bb out of pipe
cleaners and beads! So much fun!

In math this week we continued to focus on shapes. In
learning about the shapes, we counted and learned about the number of sides and
corners each shape has. We practiced this by using Popsicle sticks and
marshmallows to create the shapes with sides and corners and then later in the
week explored with a variety of math tools to create various pictures out of
shapes. We had some really creative ideas!

Houston….we have liftoff! Our iPads have been launched! We
have started using our iPads for morning work and then throughout the day
during writing and a few free time moments. We began with learning the basics
of the iPads and started with one of our favorite reading apps—Learning A-Z
(formerly Raz-Kids) and a letter tracing app! We will continue to learn and grow
with our iPads every day! I am excited to see them become more and more
comfortable and to start creating some really neat projects!

Doing a fantastic job waiting patiently in line to get materials!

This week was all about FAMILY! We shared pictures and
stories of our families every day. The end of the week we completed a picture
all about the members in our family. I think it’s safe to say this group
definitely LOVES their families!
Next Week:
- In reading we will learn the CAFE strategy "Check for Understanding".
- In writing we will continue with letters in the alphabet.
- In math we will focus on finding different ways to show the numbers 1-5!
- Our theme next week is all about colors!
- 9/16 School Pictures
- 9/30 Field Trip to Exploration Acres (please send in money)
- 10/9 End of First 9 Weeks
- 10/19-10/22 Parent/Teacher Conferences