Poem of the week!
-Our sight words this
week was the word “come” and “me”!
remember that from this point forward your child will have two new sight words
each week. That means there will be two
sight word pages for homework. However,
there will still only be sight word book.
did some word work this week in class that you can practice at home as
well. When given 3 words, we picked out
the 2 that rhyme. When given 2 words we
listened to see if they had the same beginning sound or the same ending sound.
CAFÉ strategies we worked on this week were
a story including the character”
and evaluate a story character”
How can
you help your child with the strategies at home?
1. Encourage your child to retell you a story including the characters—focus on the beginning, middle, and end
2. While reading together, stop and discuss the story character(s). How are they feeling? Do they change throughout the story or stay the same?

week in writing we labeled objects around the classroom to identify items we
could write about in our journals
We added the/a to those labels to help us when using those words in our writing
(the flag, a chair, a computer)
continued to work on writing middle sounds in words by saying the words slowly
like a turtle and stretching them out like a snake
received and practiced using a new writer’s checklist this week. The checklist will help us remember to do all
the steps of writing on each of our journal pages.

math this week we reviewed our 2D shapes and introduced 3D shapes.
if you can find some 3D shapes around your house: sphere, cube, cylinder, and cone
counted the flat faces of each 3D shape and the corners. Then we sorted pictures by 3D shape and added
them to our chart.
reviewed 2D shapes and then worked with a partner to sort by shape
constructed shape monsters on Halloween using 2D shapes to build our creatures.

week was all about Halloween and spiders. We talked about our prior knowledge
of spiders using the words: are, can, and have to chart our ideas.
we confirmed the things we thought we knew by using a nonfiction spider book and
facts from the internet.
-We read several Halloween books this week. Skills we focused on using those books were
the character’s actions, the character’s feelings, sounds in stories, rhyming
words, and predicting.

-Our celebration was a huge success! We had a great turn out for our special
day. Thank you to everyone who made time
in the day to come be with us. A special
thank you to the parents who came and helped out run the stations and the
parents who adopted a second kindergartener for the morning.

--In writing, we will begin writing 3 page books that
tell who, where, and what happened--In math, we will begin to explore different ways to make the number 1-5 using addition with “The Story of…”
--In reading, we will focus comparing and contrasting characters in different books and two characters in the same book
--Our theme next week will be owls as we continue to explore and learn about nocturnal animals
--We will start using the iPads in class!!!