Happy Thanksgiving!
This week in math our vocabulary word was "hexagon". We wrote the word hexagon, drew hexagons and wrote about how many sides and corners there are. We also wrote things we know that look like hexagons like windows and tables! We continued working on our iPads with our math journals both for math writing of our vocabulary word and number of the day! During our mini-lessons we practiced writing our numbers 1-20. We wrote with songs, dry erase boards and did a number writing race on the board!

This week in reading we reviewed all of our sight words and the two word families we have studied. We used various apps to practice those words, the magnetic ABC app and QR codes, we also used Popplet!

Poem of the Week
We started the week off learning that when we write, there should always be a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence ONLY and not throughout the writing. We have not learned about proper nouns yet, so other than the beginning of the sentence, no other letters should be capitalized in the student's writing.
We continued the week by writing what we are thankful for and then taking those sentences and creating an "app smash". We created a hand turkey using an app called "Hand Turkey" and then decorated and named the turkey. We saved the picture of our turkey and opened it into another app called "ChatterKids". This app takes your picture, records your voice and adds a mouth movement. The class got a kick out of hearing their thankful sentences coming out of the mouth of the hand turkey they made! I put all of the videos together in a video below.

We painted our hands to create a hand turkey! After the paint dried out, we used markers to add detail to our hand turkeys. The poem on the hand turkey said:
This isn't just a turkey
As anyone can see.
I made it with my hand,
Which is a part of me.
I come with lots of love,
Especially to say
I hope you have a very
Happy Thanksgiving Day!

To review our word family words, we created a turkey and called our words, found the word and had our turkey "gobble" the words up and glued them on the turkey's tummy!

Enjoy your special time with your family this weekend. Talk with your child about reasons to be thankful and how we can pay it forward with kindness to others each and every day!
Next Week:
- In reading we will review previously learned strategies such as relate text to self, compare and contrast characters and between two stories.
- In writing we will continue learning how to write a narrative story and talk about how to edit our own writing.
- In math we will focus on drawing shapes!
- Our theme next week is all about the Gingerbread Man!
Important Dates/Information:
- 11/26-11/27 Thanksgiving break--NO SCHOOL
- 12/4--All School Behavior Incentive Field Trip--PMO Christmas Show
- 12/8-Barnes and Noble Night 5-7:30
- 12/16-Christmas Program. Students arrive at McCutcheon High School no later than 6:30 and the show begins at 7:00
- 12/18-End of 2nd Nine Weeks