Friday, February 25, 2011

We love our healthy teeth!

We drew what helps teeth stay healthy in a big tooth to finish our week of learning about dental health. The class drew many fruits, vegetables, toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, the dentist office and even the tooth fairy.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mrs Brown and Kindergarten,
    Your giant teeth pictures are fantastic! I really like the way you have drawn lots of healthy foods to eat inside them. What a great reminder whenever you look up and see them on your classroom wall! This term my class is taking part in the `Tooth tally' with lots of other classes from around the world. We had to count how many people in our class have wobbly teeth and draw a picture of the tooth fairy. Maybe next year your school would like to join in too?
    From your blogging buddies,
    Ms Dowling and K/1D
