**I was not at school on Friday, so I did not get video of the class doing their poem. I am sure they did an excellent job though! :)
began our “normal” routine during our writing block of time called “Writer’s
Workshop”. This is a time where the teacher starts off with a mini-lesson teaching
a specific focus strategy to the class and then the students go write and practice
this strategy while the teacher works with students and then we finish the time
with a share of 1-3 kids’ writing. This week our focus was on labeling a
picture using beginning sounds!

sight word this week was the word “and”!
CAFÉ strategy we worked on this week was the strategy.
important accuracy strategy that good readers use to help gain meaning from
text is to use the pictures and
ask “Do the words and picture match?” Pictures
help to confirm that the words being read make sense. Illustrations can provide
hints to help students decode a word. Using
the pictures is a necessary strategy to help children prepare for other
strategies they use as they become more developed readers. Many times beginning
readers feel they are “cheating” when they look at the pictures. It is
important to model the effectiveness of using
pictures to help decode words and to gain meaning so children feel comfortable
using this strategy and know it is “okay” to use the pictures when reading.
How can
you help your child with this strategy at home?
2. Cover up the words on a page and have your child “read” the story to you by “reading” the pictures. After your child tells you what happened on the page, uncover the words and read the page. This supports the idea that pictures can help tell the story.
3. When reading a picture book with your child, spend time modeling how you look at pictures, maps, and graphs. Talk about your thinking so your child can hear your thought process. Be sure to model how you stop while you are reading to look at the pictures to help you gain information about what is going on.

week in math we began our “normal’ routine of using Daily 3 Math. This type of
program is similar to our reading format where the teacher begins the math
block with a mini-lesson focusing on one or more of the standards and then the
students move to working independently at a choice “Math by Myself, Number Work
or Math with Someone”. We have not introduced the third choice yet. During the independent
work time, the teacher is able to pull small groups or work one on one with
students focusing on math skills!

This week we focused on a specific author named Mo Willems. We found after reading just one of his many books that he is very funny and his characters made us laugh. We then continued to read his books throughout the entire week. We watched a video where he talked about why he wanted to become an author/illustrator and what we need to do every day in order to help ourselves become better writers. We finished the week off by making one of our favorite characters from his pigeon books…the pigeon out of a toilet paper roll and construction paper!

--In writing, we will move from labeling to writing
an “I like” sentence using beginning sounds.
--In math, we will focus on recognizing numbers 0-20.
--In reading,
we will focus on ending sounds, learn new vocabulary words and a new CAFÉ strategy!
--Our theme this next week is all about PUMPKINS! We will be going on our first field trip to a
pumpkin patch on Wednesday, September 24th!
COUNTING, COUNTING, AND COUNTING! I began testing and working with students on counting
this week and the goal by the end of the first nine weeks is to make it to 25
or higher!
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