Sunday, February 22, 2015

Week in Review--Fairy Tales

-Our sight words this week were the words “in” and “it”! 
-Please remember to practice your sight word flashcards each day as part of your homework.
-We worked this week on counting syllables in words this week.  Say the word, count the syllables.
-We  talked about the main idea of a book and details in the book that support the main idea
-The CAFÉ strategy we worked on this week was
“Main idea and Supporting details”
How can you help your child with the strategies at home?
Talk with your child about the main idea of the stories you read.  “What was this book mainly about?”   Then talk about the details that support that idea. 
For fiction books, that means talking about what happened in the beginning, middle, and end of the story.  For informational text, that means what facts or information was given about the topic of the book.

-This week in writing we worked on our own “How to…” books

-We learned about topic sentences that tell the reader what our book is about

-We wrote our own topic sentences

-We used our plans to write our own “How to…” books and added illustrations
-In math we learned started decomposing numbers 11-19
-We talked about making numbers using 10s and 1s
-We made the numbers 11-19 using ten frames
-We used number bonds to decompose numbers into tens and ones
-We practiced counting on from a given number
-This week our theme was fairy tales
-We read several fairytale books and watched some fairy tales during rest time
- We talked about the formula for a fairy tale and planned out our own
-We started our fairytale project- telling a story with a picture.
-We dressed up like fairy tale characters and superheroes on Friday!

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