Monday, November 10, 2014

Week in Review--Owls!

Poem of the week!



-This week in writing we focused on true stories by writing and illustrating 3 page books.

- We focused on a different part of the story for each page:  Who?  Where? What is happening?

-We continued to work on writing middle sounds in words when we added the writing to each page of our books.


-Our sight words this week was the word “with” and “my”! 

-Please remember to practice your sight word flashcards each day as part of your homework. This week my was frequently confused with me.

-We continued our word work this week in class picking out the 2 words that rhyme.  We also practiced listening to see if two given words had same beginning sound or the same ending sound. 

-We also worked on blending parts of a word (onset/rhyme) together to help us get ready for word families.

-The CAFÉ strategies we worked on this week were

“Retell a story in order”

“Comparing and contrasting”

How can you help your child with the strategies at home?
1. Encourage your child to retell you a story including the characters—focus on the beginning, middle, and end

2. While reading together, talk about the characters.  How are they alike?  How are they different?  If there is only one character, compare and contrast that character to your child or a character from another book.

-Our ipads are up and running!  The apps we used this week were Raz-Kids, QR readers, and ABC Magic.  These apps allowed use to read to self, listen to books on the ipad, and practice beginning letter sounds.  Despite on or two technical issues we had a successful week using our new technology.


-In math this week we talked about different ways to make the numbers 1 through 5 using “The Story of…”

-We manipulated chips into different combinations that equaled the number of the day.

-We “read” our examples like a sentence---

  3 and 2 make 5,  4 and 1 make 5, 0 and 5 make 5

-We reviewed 3D shapes and sorted pictures of real world items that are those shapes during morning meeting

-We practiced recognizing numbers 1-25 using flashcards each time we lined up to go to specials.


-This week we talked about nocturnal animals, specifically owls.

-We reviewed text features with a Weekly Reader about owls

-We labeled the body parts of an owl on a diagram.

-We made owl puppets that gave facts about owls using “Owls can…”  “Owls have…” and “Owls are…” sentence starters.
-We read several owl books this week.  Skills we focused on using those books were the character’s feelings, comparing and contrasting, and predicting.

October Homework Club!

Next week:
--In writing we will be working on adding detail to our pictures and choosing pieces to publish.  We will also star working on editing a piece of writing.
--In math, we will extend our knowledge different ways to make the number 1-5 using number bonds and addition number sentences.
--In reading, we will focus on making a mental picture in our head.  We will also start word families.
--Our theme next week will continue to be nocturnal animals, specifically bats.

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