Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Retelling a Familiar Story!

Today we read a story called There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Shell. Before we read the story, the students shared their thoughts on the book.

"I thought we were going to read a story about an old lady who swallowed stuff from the sea."

"I thought the shell would be the first thing she swallowed in the book."

"I thought she would be swallowing stuff in the book."
After reading the story, we cut pictures out of the things she swallowed and glued the old lady to the front of a pocket. Then, we listened to the story again and put our pictures in front of us and placed them in the pocket when she swallowed each item.


Finally, we found a partner and retold the story to each other by saying the first thing she swallowed all the way through the last thing she swallowed. We even had the old lady "BURP!" and a sandcastle came out with all of the things she swallowed!

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