sight word this week was the word “like”!
CAFÉ strategy we worked on this week was the strategy.
you ever spoken with a doctor, auto mechanic, or computer support person that
has given you advice or directions in a language that was difficult to
understand? This is comparable to reading a book that is too difficult. For
readers to have high success in reading, they must spend time reading material
they can read with 99 ² 100 percent accuracy. We encourage students to select
books that are a good fit so that they are successful and enjoy reading.
Working on the strategy of reading appropriate level texts that are a good fit
will help your child read smoothly, engaging in texts they can read without
How can
you help your child with this strategy at home?
When your child goes to read a text, have him or her use the I-Pick method. Ask
your child why that specific book was chosen. Ask your child “Is that a
good-fit book for you?” The I-PICK method is described below.
I--I pick a book
P--Purpose (What is my
purpose for choosing this book?)
I--Interest (Am I
interested in this book?)
C--Comprehend (Do I
understand what I just read?)
K--Know (Do I know
most of the words?)
Model the I-Pick method for your child. Take a book you are reading and go
through I-Pick to set an example for what it looks like and sounds like to
review reading selection choices.
Help your child recognize when a text is too difficult. They are taught to ask:
- Are there five or more words on a page that I don’t know?
- Is this book hard to understand?
- When I read it does it sound choppy and slow?
Students practicing Work on Writing!

We practiced our consonants this week and finished the week off by putting our names up on our classroom Word Wall according to the first letter in their name.

-This week in math, we were introduced to the five main 2D shapes that
we will be learning throughout the year. All week we played games, traced
shapes with our math tubs and play-doh and even painted the shapes! One of our
favorite games was to spy shapes around the classroom. The five main shapes we
focus on in kindergarten are circle, triangle, square, rectangle and hexagon.

continued to focus on correctly writing various letters in the alphabet. We are
almost all the way through all 26 letters. Once we finish with the letters, we
will begin to get into our normal writing time routine with introducing and
practicing the Writing Workshop model.
-Before we practice writing our letters the correct way, we always watch a video for that specific letter. Below is an example of one of the letters we watched this week.

-Our fantastic P.E. teacher Mr. Z creates an exercise program for the students at our school to exercise to called PEP. We started exercising this week and love every minute of it! I pick two students every day who are considered the best "peppers" of the day and they get a classroom certificate!
Begin practicing beginning sounds in words with your child.
We are just now practicing this skill, but the extra practice at home is
crucial. Say a word and have your child tell you the first sound they hear in
the word. For example, if you said “dog” the first sound is “d” or “couch” the
first sound is “c”. Encourage your child to say the sound and not the letter
--In writing, we will continue practicing a different
letter of the alphabet each day until we are through all 26 letters!
--In math, we will continue to focus on shapes all week!
We will explore how you can manipulate shapes to create pictures and other
--In reading, we will continue to practice building
our stamina for Read to Self, Work on Writing and will begin a third choice
--Our theme next week is “FAMILY”. Please send in a
picture of your child’s family with him/her on Monday. We will be sharing them
all week with our class!
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