Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day Message

This week was all about Mother's Day. We made crafts, had a Muffins for Mom celebration at school and talked about why our mom is so special. After making one of our gifts for mom, we recorded ourselves wishing her a very special and Happy Mother's Day using one of favorite apps on the iPad "Educreations". We hope all of the mom's enjoy hearing those sweet voices that love you so dearly!


  1. Thank you Mrs. Brown!

    1. You are welcome! I thought they were too cute to hear their little voices!

  2. This was fantastic to see! Thank you for doing this for us moms!

  3. Replies
    1. You are welcome! It made me smile to hear their sweet voices after I recorded them!

  4. You are welcome! As a mom, I know you can't get enough of your own child so I try to make sure you get to see as much as possible from his/her school day!
