This week in writing we practiced writing the beginning, middle and end sounds in words that are not sight words. We practiced this several ways...we wrote on white boards as a class, wrote in our journals, used an app called Skitch and another app called PicCollage. We wrote words in sentences, in isolation and by labeling pictures. Within our two apps we used an arrow and pen tool to write the letters in the words and we also practiced using the keyboard to type the letters! Below are several pictures from the apps that are student made creations and video of the students in action!

We had so much fun learning about our 3D shapes this week! We started the week off by watching a video that went through each of the shapes and we were able to use an app called JuniorTube where we paused the video and found each shape and circled the correct shape using the pen tool. We then continued on throughout the week discussing these shapes and created a 3D shape chart. I did not get a picture of our chart, but the picture below is similar to the one we made together.

During reading this week our CAFE focus was "Analyzing Characters". We read several books and discussed how characters change throughout a story, what their feelings are and how their actions effect the story and other characters.
Creepy, crawly....SPIDERS! We could not have had more fun with spiders this week! We completed several tasks this week in learning about these crawling arachnids. We read a spider book (and each student got their own copy, woo hoo), watched spider videos with our iPad partner, and completed a spider facts page and then added those facts to a spider!

After we watched a spider video with our partner, we gathered together and shared one thing we learned. We put those ideas together using an app called Popplet. I was beyond impressed with the things the kids learned and shared with the class!

Friday was such a special day in kindergarten! We had the BEST time sharing the morning with our grandparents! We painted, read stories, made necklaces, drew pictures, painted our faces and ate yummy cookies and punch! Thank you to all of the families who came and those who "adopted" a grandchild for those kids who have grandparents who live far away.
Go on a 3D shape hunt! Find as many cones, spheres, cubes and cylinders as you can around your home! Have your child describe them to you and what is special about them.
Next Week:
- In reading we will learn the CAFE strategy "Compare/Contrast".
- In writing we will begin learning how to write a narrative story.
- In math we will focus on number stories!
- Our theme next week is all about Nocturnal Animals--bats!
Important Dates/Information:
- 11/5 & 11/6-Donuts with Dad (please send your RSVP)
- 11/11-Veteran's Day Program
- 11/19-Parent University
- 11/26-11/27 Thanksgiving break--NO SCHOOL
- 12/4--All School Behavior Incentive Field Trip--PMO Christmas Show
- 12/8-Barnes and Noble Night 5-7:30
- 12/18-End of 2nd Nine Weeks
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