-This week we practiced sorting objects by shape. We placed several shapes on the board (all the same color) and sorted them by each of the shapes we have learned—rectangle, square, circle, triangle and hexagon.
also continued practicing counting to 50 with several videos, songs, patterns
and movement!

started TWO sight words this week-- “come,
CAFÉ strategy we worked on this week was the strategy “Blend Letter Sounds”.
Beginning readers
often learn their sounds in isolation. The leap from knowing letter sounds to
reading words can sometimes be daunting. Taking the isolated sounds and
blending them together can be a first step to becoming a reader for most
How can you help your child with this strategy at home?
1. As you are blending letters together, have
your child listen to words they already know that the word they are blending
sounds like.
2. Have your child say each letter sound in
the word (using the Zoo Phonics motions if needed) and then blend the letters
together fast and move your arms in a circular motion while you blend them
3. Have your child imagine holding a rubber band (or actually hold a
rubber band if you have one) and have them stretch the rubber band out while
saying each sound. When the rubber band goes back together, have your child say
the word quickly back together.

-We read the story Spookley the Square Pumpkin. Watch the video below with your child and discuss the main character, Spookley just like we did in class!

finished our first unit of study in our writing curriculum and started our
second unit! At the beginning and end of each unit the class is given a pre and
post-test. We then gather as a kindergarten teaching team and score these
writings using a common writing rubric. The goal is to see the students improve
by several points throughout the unit from the pre-test to the post-test.
also completed a Halloween writing about our favorite part of Halloween! Some
of the favorite parts were the candy, dressing up in costumes, carving
jack-o-lanterns and of course the candy again and again and again J.
Goodbye October…Hello November! We had a wonderful short 4 day week learning about pumpkins, labeling the parts of a pumpkin, painting pumpkins, carving and discussing the inside of a pumpkin and reading lots and lots of books about Halloween!
Ripping paper to make our own pumpkins of differents shapes, sizes and colors!

Painting pumpkins!

Painting pumpkins!

Carving our class pumpkin!

Exploring the outside AND inside of our pumpkin and writing words to describe it!

Exploring the inside of our pumpkin with a partner!

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