We are 100 Days Smarter!
WHEEEEEEEEEE! We are 100 days smarter today! We had such an exciting day. It was filled with a fun entrance into our classroom, playing a "100 Things Would You Rather" game, attempting to write 100 words in our 100 Words Book from around the room, enjoying a 100 day snack shaped like the number 100, reading through a poem that had 100 letters in it, read a story about the 100th Day of School and talked about the "Author's Purpose" for writing that book, counted to 100, made a large bundle with our straws, put 100 gumballs in our gumball machine and sorted 10 different snacks by 10's onto our "100 Days Smarter" sorting snack page! Before we were able to eat our snack, we counted up and down to 100 by 10's and described observations we saw with the snacks. The class noticed shapes (both 2d and 3d shapes within the snacks), how they thought it looked like less than 100 pieces, how some pieces looked like it was more than others because some were small and some were big and the different colors of the snacks. They were excited when I finally gave them the "go ahead" to dig in!
Below are the pictures to go with each of these 100's day activities! We will continue with a few more activities tomorrow and Friday. There were so many ways to celebrate this special day, we weren't able to fit it all in one day!

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